

Sales of Jim’s HO and O Scale Collection will Commence in Feb, 2020

We’re building an e-commerce site that will showcase Jim’s extensive and fine collection. We’ll be adding at least five models every week and will be posting on social media as well.

The collection is a culmination of Jim’s decades long knowledge, as explained, in a post further down the page. He treasured every model and handled them with care and love.

As much as we’d love accommodate your individual requests for lists and photos, it would be impossible to do so. We’ll try to answer your questions and if we find there are requests for a particular model, we’ll post it straight away.

In the meantime, think about models you’ve been coveting since they’re probably in the collection. Jim’s eye for perfection and rarity shines through.

We look forward to working with buyers who will appreciate these rare and fine models.

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