

Your questions answered regarding the Collection and Website

We’ve received inquiries and thought the best way to answer is here in the blog. If you still have questions, reach out to us; we’re here to help.

Q: Is there a list?

A: For anyone who knew Jim and his obsession with collecting and repairing brass trains, you’ll understand that his interest varied and crossed several importers, builders and roads. So, no, there’s not a public list and why we’re posting a variety of locomotives for sale on his website.

Q: Did Jim have a layout?

This will surprise most, but no, his Collection is warehoused with temperature control and each model is in its original box. He loved collecting and repairing, so each model was carefully track tested, repaired if necessary, and put tenderly back in its box. True Shelf Queens. His friends would salivate when they saw models he was working on and he enjoyed thrilling them with their perfection. He researched extensively and was an expert source for many dealers and fellow collectors. He loved talking trains – this is a well known fact – and would offer advice regardless of who asked the questions. He loved the hobby and enthusiastically encouraged others to get involved.

Q: What if the model I’m interested in isn’t on the site?

A: If you’re looking for a model with a value under $500, it most likely won’t be on the site. We’re keeping the integrity of the site to high-value models since that’s what he requested. He felt mixing the price points was a mistake and lectured those who do so.

Q: How do I enlarge the photos?

A: Each photo has a + sign in the upper right corner to enlarge. Plus, you can inspect each photo by scrolling over and magnifying.

A: Are you looking for an agent to represent the collection?

As mentioned in the question above, for models under $500 in value, yes, we are open to having quality and honest dealers represent that sector. A list of the models of lesser retail value is being prepared and will be available to persons interested in making a wholesale purchase. Please email us with your interest.

Q: What about your pricing?

A: Jim’s collection is full of very rare and mint models, often not seen for sale in decades. He obsessed with perfection and so you’re buying a Collector Quality Shelf Queen. That cannot be stressed enough and feel our pricing is fair. If you follow dealers, you’ll notice there is a scarcity of high-end models and when one appears, their pricing is higher.

Q: Do I have to pay sales tax?

A: Residents of New York state will be charged sales tax. For the time being, other states are exempt but who knows how long that will last.

Q: What about shipping?

A: Domestic shipping is included with the price of the model. Jim insisted on heavy packaging and was extremely annoyed when a model arrived with insufficient packing. International shipping will be charged and insured for the value of the model. More information is on the Policy page.

Thanks for your interest in Jim’s Collection. We hope your questions are answered and that you’re enjoying the site. We can be reached at: should you have questions about purchasing a model.